Ad Hoc Consulting
We provide Consulting in
How to do business in LATAM
Economic and political overview of the market
Industry/sector statistics and analysis
Market opportunities and competition
Typical barriers to entry
Routes to market
Country by country Legal and Regulatory Information
Investment opportunities
Joint Ventures and business partnerships
Buying a Latam business
As activity within LATAN has grown steadily over the years, there has been an increasing emphasis on M & M&A for businesses looking to expand from abroad.
For some international clients acquiring a Latam, a business can be a cost-effective way to grow their organization and establish a presence in Latam.
By acquiring an established Latam business, you can instantly diversify your range of products, add valuable assets to your company and reduce operating costs. It also allows you to expand your customer base immediately and gives you a strategic advantage when approaching new clients and tendering for work.
What’s Included?
M&A strategy and advice
Target Screening
Due Diligence
Post Merger Integration
Joint Venture and Alliance Strategy
Step by step, support, and representation by our expert legal and accountancy partners.
Selling a business
If you are looking to sell your business, we can help you find an appropriate buyer through our safe and confidential selling process.
We connect your business with the global market place to identify and select potential buyers, whether they are purchasing for strategic reasons, expansion or as a private equity group looking to invest. We work closely with you to find the most suitable buyer for your business at the most attractive price.
As professional advisors, we guide you through the entire sales process, and by partnering with our expert legal and accountancy team provide you with a comprehensive package of support.
This includes:
Stakeholder discussion and Management Incentivisation
Presale Planning
Information Memorandum
Executive Summary & NDA
Identifying and contacting potential purchasers
Data Room & Documentation Support
First & Second Bids through to Final Negotiations
Due Diligence
Legal documentation
Exchange & Completion
Post Merger Integration
· How to do business in LATAM
· Economic and political overview of the market
· Industry/sector statistics and analysis
· Market opportunities and competition
· Typical barriers to entry
· Routes to market
· Country by country Legal and Regulatory Information
· Investment opportunities
· Joint Ventures and business partnerships
· Customized Competitive Analysis,
· Market Forecasts and
· Opportunity Analysis,
· M&A Analysis,
· Business Plan Development